The Water Margin, also known as Outlaws of the Marsh, is a Chinese novel that was written in the 14th century during the Yuan Dynasty. The novel is a classic of Chinese literature and is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. The Water Margin tells the story of a group of outlaws who rebel against corrupt government officials and become heroes in their local communities. The novel is set in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and is based on real historical events and figures. The main character of the novel is Wu Song, a brave and loyal soldier who is falsely accused of a crime and forced to leave the army. Wu Song becomes an outlaw and joins a group of rebels who live in the forests and mountains. The group is led by Song Jiang, a charismatic and skilled fighter who is determined to overthrow corrupt government officials and restore justice to the land. As the story unfolds, the group of rebels grows larger and more powerful, and they engage in a series...
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